Tuesday, October 17, 2006

KONG15 Update - Tuesday 17 Oct

Now we're talking!
The ionosphere finally calmed down enough for us to do some proper DX - starting Monday afternoon as TJ found an unmistakingly Australian voice on 1161 - 5BA Naracoorte. This brought about some frantic tuning on frequencies populated by SA and Victoria stations. "Only" 5AA Adelaide 1395 was found, at 1640 UTC, but with occasional good signal levels. Most welcome, and a new logging for us all.

The rest of the evening and early night nothing much happened; around 0300 we heard some La Plata stations but soon the North American stations were the dominating ones. Examples: WTDW-MI 1310, KANN-UT 1120; later on both KELK-NV and KDLR-ND on 1240. At the same time strong signals from the Canadian Atlantic stations.

Quite good conditions up until 1200 UTC with KKPZ-OR 1330 and strong signals from most Hawaiian stations, Fiji and Marshall Islands (1098).

Weather: Changing from dry and calm (yesterday evening) to windy and rainy today, temperatures 3-6C.

Another King Crab meal later today, this time with fresh white bread, mayonnese and whatever we have laying around.

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